A seasonal worker is someone from another country who lives in Romania legally and temporarily. The seasonal worker is employed in Romania under an...
An au pair worker is a foreign person who comes to Romania to live with a host family. They help with easy household tasks and taking care of...
You can work as a cross-border worker only if you are a citizen of a country that shares a border with Romania and if you live in the border area of...
If you have to pay for your place to stay in Romania, you need to include a rental contract with your work permit application. This contract should...
In this case, your employer has responsibilities. They have to provide a statement, certified by a notary, saying that they'll offer you a place to...
The normal duration of working time is usually 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week for those who work full-time. There is also the possibility to...
Your rights are as follows: - receive money for the work done; - rest daily and weekly; - you have the right to vacation every year; -...
To be legally employed and have rights in Romania, you must have an individual employment contract. The individual employment contract is...