Emergency situations
Have you ever called 911? Have you ever needed an ambulance? Here you can find information about emergency services in Romania. Information provided by the Ministry of the Interior(https://www.mai.gov.ro).
Don’t forget, we welcome your questions at workandlive.ro@gmail.com.

Can I optout of receiving warning messages?
Since the warning message is designed to keep you safe, we do not recommend opting out of receiving it. RO-ALERT messages are not targeted at specific phones but rather at the area affected by the danger. For this reason, specific mobile terminals…
How are warning messages sent?
RO-ALERT operates based on Cell Broadcast technology, which allows the sending of text messages to mobile phones using the radio cells of mobile service providers, without knowing information about users in the coverage area of the cells. More…
Can I also receive messages on my tablet or computer?
The warning message uses mobile phone networks in Romania and can only be broadcast on mobile phones connected to the network. Mobile phones that are only connected to the internet via wireless, tablets, or computers cannot receive warning…
Can I reply to RO-ALERT warning messages?
No, you will not be able to reply to the RO-ALERT warning message or contact emergency services via this system. In an emergency, call 112. More information on https://ro-alert.ro/ We are waiting for all your questions at…
What do I do if I receive a Ro-alert message?
As soon as you receive a warning message through the RO-ALERT system, you must follow the recommendations issued by the authorities. At the time of sending a warning message, other useful information for the safety of communities is also broadcast….
Does RO-ALERT send notifications in case of an earthquake?
In the case of earthquakes, the RO-ALERT system will not issue notifications before the event. After the earthquake, if the earthquake generates consequences messages warning the population with protection measures can be broadcast. (for example…
What types of emergency situations are announced through the RO-ALERT system?
The RO-ALERT system is used in major situations where the lives and health of citizens are in danger, such as severe weather alerts, dangerous floods, terrorist attacks, or other situations that put communities at risk. They’ll also send warnings…
Who broadcasts emergency alerts?
Only authorized responsible authorities can send warning messages. RO-ALERT messages will be sent only when there is a serious threat to life, health, or property. The only agencies authorized by the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU) to…
Will RO-ALERT messages be sent in different languages?
In Romania, warning messages will be broadcast in the Romanian language. Depending on the situation, messages may also be sent in other languages. More information on https://ro-alert.ro/ We are waiting for all your questions at…
What do I need to do to receive RO-ALERT messages?
You can get alert messages on any mobile phone that works with Cell Broadcast technology. Many mobile phones sold in Romania are already compatible with the requirements of the RO-ALERT system. You don’t need a smartphone for these messages. You…
What is RO-ALERT?
RO-ALERT is a warning message on mobile phones that alerts you to dangerous or emergency situations near you, which could put your life or property at risk. This message is sent to all mobile phones in the area where the danger is…
Why are asked so many questions when you call 112?
all the answers to the standard questions that the operator asks you are vital and necessary for you to receive help in the shortest possible time. the minimum data about the event, the seriousness of the situation, the condition of the…
What should I say when I call 112?
The most important thing is to cooperate with the operator and dispatchers and calmly answer the questions they ask you. Describe, as clearly and concisely as you can, the situation you are facing: what happened, where it happened, and if there…
What is SMURD?
Within the county inspectorates for emergency situations, the Emergency Medical Service, Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD) operates, with the aviation structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the air operator, in collaboration with…
When do I need SMURD?
In cases where one or more people are in a life-threatening situation due to an acute illness or injury: If it is necessary to provide first aid in a short period of time; If extrication or other rescue operations are required. More…
What is the emergency service?
The 112 service ensures the reception of emergency calls from citizens and their transmission to the specialized intervention agencies (Ambulance, SMURD, Police, Firemen, Gendarmerie, Salvamont), in order to ensure an immediate, uniform and unitary…